Automotive software provider CDK Global is suspected of paying $25 million in bitcoin last month to address a ransomware attack / Urban Legends: Uncontrolled steering wheel

2 min readJul 16, 2024


On-chain detective ZachXBT revealed that ransomware gangs related to a June cyberattack against CDK Global, a major supplier of software for United States car dealers, received more than $25 million in Bitcoin. Last month, CDK Global suffered an attack that caused its software to go down, affecting about 15,000 United States car dealerships. (Beincrypto report)

链上侦探ZachXBT披露,与6月针对CDK Global(美国汽车经销商提供软件的主要供应商)的网络攻击有关的勒索软件团伙收到了超过2500万美元的比特币。上个月,CDK Global遭受了一次攻击,导致其软件中断,影响了约15000家美国汽车经销商。(Beincrypto报道)

Thinking of the virus in the smart car, the zombie car picture of the movie scene appears, most of the modern cars have introduced Level 1~4 automatic driving technology, if the brake, accelerator or steering wheel has a temporary problem, it will produce major life safety concerns, so this is the part that needs to be dealt with first, cybersecurity industrial control and terminal computer to resist Trojans, who knows whether the ransomware in CDK Global this time has also leaked some customer information and car software source code! The current AI + IoT technology is also being used in reverse on the Trojan horse. So, you know, the SDChain Man is also a safety-conscious person who doesn’t want to have an accident. (SDChain report)

想到智能汽车中病毒,电影场景的殭尸汽车画面就出现,现代汽车大多有导入Level 1~4的自动驾驶技术,如果煞车、油门或是方向盘临时出问题,都将产生重大人生安全疑虑,所以这才是需要优先处理的部分,资安工控和终端计算机抵御木马,谁知道这次CDK Global中勒索软件,是否也外泄了部分的客户信息和汽车软件源码!现在的AI + IoT技术,也被反向运用在木马上,所以你知道的,六域man也是注重安全的人,不想出事故。(SDChain报导)

SDChain TG — SDChain Bridge: SixDomainChain (SDChain) is the world’s first decentralized public blockchain ecosystem that integrates international standards of IoT Six-Domain Model and reference architecture standards for distributed blockchain.

SDChain六域官方中文群 —。SDChain。SDChain六域链位于台湾,SDChain IoT Inc. (SDI)是国际六域链联盟的技术商转主体企业。以企业客户为中心,SDI实现区块链产品开发及全球代理商通路建置。

