1 min readMar 14, 2023

Blur announces the launch of the mobile NFT purchase function / The secret that can be told — Laleverse

According to Blur’s feature announcement on social media, the NFT platform now supports browsing and purchasing NFTs on mobile phones, and more other mobile features will be launched soon. (PANews report)

In the future, after Laleverse is launched, it will be available on desktop, mobile and web, and XR devices will be connected into a metaverse virtual space, when all the objects you see will be in the form of NFTs, and transactions and sales can be generated in it, and ensure that the process is transparent and fair. So Laleverse = Lale APP + Lami NFT + AIoT(XR) + 3D Building + SDChain. (SDChain report)

SixDomainChain (SDChain) is the world’s first decentralized public blockchain ecosystem that integrates international standards of IoT Six-Domain Model and reference architecture standards for distributed blockchain.