Blur updates the bidding point mechanism: “transfer NFT” is linked to loyalty, filtering knock transactions and fake bids / Social supremacy, business promotion, metaverse online
According to the official Twitter, NFT marketplace Blur has updated its Bidding Points mechanism, in which “transfer NFTs” will be linked to loyalty, knock transactions, and fake bidding behaviors will no longer receive BLUR rewards. The top series still receive the most points, but the points have also been updated to distribute them more evenly between series. Blur said that loyalty is critical to Season 2, and that moving NFTs to other marketplaces reduces loyalty, which won’t be reflected in the UI, but transactions that move to other markets are tracked on the backend, reducing the loyalty of transferors. In addition, knock deals and false bids will be filtered out starting in Season 2. (PANews report)
There is currently no points system on Lami, but the Lale APP e-commerce system has LalePoints, which is originally used as a reward mechanism to motivate users to use its internal application services. If further integrated in the future metaverse concept Laleverse, it may also become a liquidity point for NFTs, rewarding social commerce and mobile office, obtaining a better collaborative experience and promoting the Lale ecological cycle. And now there are more and more XR devices, including Apple’s Vision Pro is also ready to go public, in the metaverse you and I meet each other, say hello, maybe you can get social points. (SDChain report)
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