Coinbase has once again started offering crypto services in Hawaii / Beach ~ Surf ~ Coconut water
Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has started offering crypto services in Hawaii, where Hawaii residents can buy, sell, and manage their cryptocurrencies, in addition to using the exchange to stake assets and send funds internationally. Coinbase wrote in a press release: “We’re officially entering Hawaii with regulatory changes made by the Hawaiian Department of Commerce and the Department of Consumer Affairs Financial Institutions that provide clear rules for crypto companies.” (The Block report)
加密货币交易所Coinbase已开始在夏威夷提供加密服务,夏威夷居民可以在Coinbase上购买、出售和管理他们的加密货币,此外还可以使用该交易所质押资产和进行国际资金汇款。Coinbase在新闻稿中写道:“我们将正式进入夏威夷,这是夏威夷商务部和消费者事务金融机构部做出的监管变化,为加密货币公司提供了明确的规定。” (The Block报道)
Previously, Coinbase withdrew from the Hawaii market in 2017 due to the requirement for exchanges to require a 1:1 reserve of cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies, and this time it will relax restrictions in preparation for the popularization of virtual assets. Hawaiian swing, island style, think of beach pants and surfboards with coconut water, using cryptocurrency as the basis for mobile payment, no matter how hot the summer is, it will only make people feel enthusiastic ~ stretch out six fingers ~ hi ~ SDChain man. (SDChain report)
之前Coinbase于2017年退出夏威夷市场,是因为要求交易所需要加密货币和法币1:1储备的关系,这次将是因为要为普及虚拟资产做准备而放宽限制。夏威夷摇摆、海岛风情,想到海滩裤和冲浪板再配着椰子水,用加密货币作为行动支付的依据,再热的夏天都只会让人感受到热情 ~ 伸出六根手指 ~ hi ~ SDChain man。(SDChain报导)
SixDomainChain (SDChain) is the world’s first decentralized public blockchain ecosystem that integrates international standards of IoT Six-Domain Model and reference architecture standards for distributed blockchain.
SDChain六域链位于台湾,SDChain IoT Inc. (SDI)是国际六域链联盟的技术商转主体企业。以企业客户为中心,SDI实现区块链产品开发及全球代理商通路建置。