According to Cointelegraph, multiple industry executives said that while some players’ resistance to “tokenomics” persists, game studios are likely to continue to use airdrops and other incentives to attract players. Kieran Warwick, founder of the game studio Illuvium, said in an interview: “It’s a very simple way to gain market share. However, Warwick says, “Games that don’t convey fun or gameplay are still doomed to fail.” The problem with this is that if you use it as a marketing tool and you don’t have a good product to back it up, then your retention rate is going to be very low. (PANews report)
据Cointelegraph报道,多个业内高管称,尽管一些玩家对“代币经济学”的抵制持续存在,但游戏工作室很可能会继续使用空投和其他激励措施来吸引玩家。游戏工作室Illuvium的创始人Kieran Warwick在接受采访时表示:“这是获得市场份额的一种非常简单的方法。然而,Warwick说道:“不能传达乐趣或玩法的游戏仍然注定要失败。这样做的问题在于,如果你把它当作一种营销工具,而你没有一个好的产品来支持它,那么你的留存率就会非常低。”(PANews报导)
The Yield Guild Games (YGG) also has a voice, not only airdrop marketing, but also really good products, taking into account the game playability, in order to create a prosperous GameFi world. At present, only Axie and StepN have produced a phenomenal trend, and I am quite optimistic about the future development of Illuvium, but not everyone wants to make money from games, and there are people who just want to play, relax, and have fun without thinking. Therefore, only by distinguishing their different TAs and focusing on their respective needs can Traditional Game & GameFi develop their own paths, and they can integrate with each other and learn from each other. The SDChain man holds a sword in his right hand and a shield in his left hand, and uses his virtual clone to fight monsters in the SDChain space to earn experience points and cryptocurrency, and use it to buy NFT equipment to improve his own ability ~ Recently, I was reading the book “Snow Crash”. (SDChain report)
YGG游戏公会也有发声,不是只有空投营销,更要有真的好产品,兼顾游戏游玩度,才能创造GameFi盛世。目前也只有Axie和StepN有产生现象级潮流,我也相当看好Illuvium后续的发展,但是,并不是所有人都想靠游戏赚钱,也是有人只想无脑游玩、放松、找乐趣而已。所以区分各自不同的TA,专注在各自的需求之上,才能造成Game & GameFi各自发展出一条路,又可彼此融合借镜。六域man右手拿剑,左手拿盾,用虚拟分身在六域空间打怪赚经验值和加密币,并用来买NFT装备提升自身能力,唉 ~ 最近在看「溃雪」一书。(SDChain报导)
SDChain TG — SDChain Bridge: SixDomainChain (SDChain) is the world’s first decentralized public blockchain ecosystem that integrates international standards of IoT Six-Domain Model and reference architecture standards for distributed blockchain.
SDChain六域官方中文群 —。SDChain。SDChain六域链位于台湾,SDChain IoT Inc. (SDI)是国际六域链联盟的技术商转主体企业。以企业客户为中心,SDI实现区块链产品开发及全球代理商通路建置。