Google Cloud宣布推出Web3门户 / 创业者的荆棘之路,而非平凡之路

2 min readApr 26, 2024

Google Cloud announced on Platform X that it has launched the Web3 Portal, the destination for learning about all things Web3 on Google Cloud. This page allows blockchain developers to experiment on the testnet, discover blockchain datasets and development tools from Google Cloud and its partners, and learn about Web3 startup initiatives. (PANews report)

谷歌云(Google Cloud)在X平台宣布,已推出Web3门户,这是在Google Cloud上了解所有Web3内容的目的地。区块链开发人员可通过此页面在测试网上进行实验,发现来自Google Cloud及其合作伙伴的区块链数据集和开发工具,以及了解Web3创业计划。(PANews报导)

The meaning of using Google Cloud to Web3 entrepreneurship, which is suitable for the development team to do entrepreneurial project environment, I haven’t started a business for a long time, and the entrepreneurial soul is burning. Project product white papers, roadshows, internal financial forecasts, product release planning, community management, and then proof-of-concept, business model verification, market verification, and finally revenue, market share, and traffic, there are only a handful of people who can survive more than 5 years, and the best opportunity to appear is to be acquired or IPO. So, thank you for the resources provided by all walks of life to allow entrepreneurs to survive, thank you for SDChain! (SDChain report)

运用Google Cloud来Web3创业的意思,这适合开发团队来做创业的项目环境,好久没创业了,创业魂燃烧起来。项目产品白皮书、路演、内部财务预测、产品发布规划、社群经营,再到概念验证、商模验证、市场验证,最后看营收、市占、流量,能超过5年还存活下来的屈指可数,而最好的出场机会就是被并购或是IPO。所以感谢各路资源的提供,来让创业者生存下来,六域感谢您!(SDChain报导)

SDChain TG — SDChain Bridge: SixDomainChain (SDChain) is the world’s first decentralized public blockchain ecosystem that integrates international standards of IoT Six-Domain Model and reference architecture standards for distributed blockchain.

SDChain六域官方中文群 —。SDChain。SDChain六域链位于台湾,SDChain IoT Inc. (SDI)是国际六域链联盟的技术商转主体企业。以企业客户为中心,SDI实现区块链产品开发及全球代理商通路建置。

