Microsoft has reached an agreement with the G42 to allow the UAE to work with OpenAI / Incarnate the dust of the new universe

2 min readJun 12, 2024


According to, UAE Minister of Artificial Intelligence: Microsoft reached an agreement with G42, a UAE artificial intelligence and cloud computing company, to allow the UAE to cooperate with OpenAI. (PANews reports).


Recently, AI has been so hot that you can hear AI no matter where you are, I won’t be surprised if I hear AI smart toilet or smart cooking gas stove, in the future, the toilet will have the function of circulating water and pushing fertilizer, and the gas stove can store heat and store energy, with heat preservation and mechanical arm to assist in cooking, and can also remember recipes. Ha, in the future, every household will be full of gold, and they will be self-sufficient ~ (G 4+2 = G 6) ~ Come to the SDChain Wisdom Universe, AIoT Ancestor Mode is launched! AI requires computing power and is extremely energy-intensive! Therefore, please pay attention to the issue of sustainable energy (this is the focus), new energy manufacturers, energy storage material suppliers, energy policy and scientific research capacity, and even upstream rare earth miners, take a good look at the trend and analyze the new direction. When you go to the toilet in the future, you can participate in the new trend wisely, and everyone in the SDChain will find a new world. (SDChain report)

最近AI太火了,火热的程度到不管在哪里都能听到AI,我现在如果听到AI智能马桶或是智能烹调瓦斯炉都不会惊讶,以后马桶有循环水和推肥制造功能,瓦斯炉能储热储能,具有保温和机械手臂协助烹调,还能记食谱。哈,以后家家户户遍地黄金,都能自给自足 ~ (G 4+2 = G 6) ~ 来六域智能宇宙,AIoT始祖模式启动!AI需要运算能力,又极度耗能!所以,请关注永续能源议题(这才是重点),新能源制造商、储能材质供货商、能源政策和科研量能,甚至上游稀土开采商,好好研究分析一下趋势新方向。以后上个厕所,都能智能参与新趋势,六域的各位,发现新天地没。(SDChain报导)

SDChain TG — SDChain Bridge: SixDomainChain (SDChain) is the world’s first decentralized public blockchain ecosystem that integrates international standards of IoT Six-Domain Model and reference architecture standards for distributed blockchain.

SDChain六域官方中文群 —。SDChain。SDChain六域链位于台湾,SDChain IoT Inc. (SDI)是国际六域链联盟的技术商转主体企业。以企业客户为中心,SDI实现区块链产品开发及全球代理商通路建置。

