OpenAI co-founder John Schulman will join AI company Anthropic / Working together to survive the AI ​​era

1 min readAug 7, 2024


OpenAI co-founder John Schulman will join AI startup Anthropic. In a farewell letter to OpenAI colleagues, Schulman said he chose to leave to focus more on AI alignment research and start a new career chapter at Anthropic. He emphasized that the resignation was not due to OpenAI’s lack of support for alignment research, but a personal career development choice. Schulman has been with OpenAI for nearly nine years, making significant contributions to the company and expressing confidence in the team’s future growth. (The Information report)

OpenAI联合创始人John Schulman将加入人工智能初创公司Anthropic。Schulman在给OpenAI同事的告别信中表示,他选择离开是为了更专注于AI对齐研究,并在Anthropic展开新的职业篇章。他强调,离职并非因为OpenAI对对齐研究支持不足,而是个人职业发展选择。Schulman在OpenAI工作近九年,为公司做出重大贡献,并对团队未来的发展表示信心。(The Information报道)

AI alignment research is also alignment with human morality and ethical norms, the development of science and technology is too fast, and it has come to the day when artificial intelligence will parallel or even surpass the limits of the human brain. I would like to wish every AI researcher and every ordinary person living under the AI ​​era, let’s get through the AI ​​era together! (SDChain report)


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