Peru publishes VASP regulations / The age of world citizenship — DAOer

1 min readAug 12, 2024


The Superintendence of Banking and Insurance (SBS) in Peru has issued a resolution requiring virtual asset service providers (VASP) to implement KYC and anti-money laundering (AML) measures as part of a compliance program. The resolution is in line with the FATF’s recommendations to control and avoid criminals from using these platforms for illegal purposes. (News.bitcoin report)

秘鲁银行和保险监管局 (SBS) 发布了一项决议,要求虚拟资产服务提供商 (VASP) 实施KYC和反洗钱 (AML) 措施,作为合规计划的一部分。该决议符合 FATF 的建议,旨在控制和避免犯罪分子将这些平台用于非法目的。(据News.bitcoin报道)

First of all, it is noted that South United States countries have also begun to pay attention to virtual asset compliance, to set up compliance officers, do a good job in KYC, AML, CFT, global popularity seems to be not far away. SDChain man has to find time to go to Peru, Chile, Argentina and Brazil, with the final goal of going to Antarctica and becoming a cross-border citizen. (SDChain report)


SixDomainChain (SDChain) is the world’s first decentralized public blockchain ecosystem that integrates international standards of IoT Six-Domain Model and reference architecture standards for distributed blockchain.

SDChain六域链位于台湾,SDChain IoT Inc. (SDI)是国际六域链联盟的技术商转主体企业。以企业客户为中心,SDI实现区块链产品开发及全球代理商通路建置。



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