2 min readMar 9, 2023

Sotheby’s and UnicornDAO have partnered to host the International Women’s Day Art Auction / End Market Gathering — Lami Art Market

Sotheby’s partnered with UnicornDAO, a digital art group, to host the International Women’s Day art auction “My Body, My Business.” It is reported that the auction features works by 34 traditional artists, including Marina Abramović, Cindy Sherman and Jenny Holzer and Ellen von Unwerth. The auction will also include works from Web3 native artists, including Olive Allen, Latashá, Jen Stark and Nadya Tolokonnikova. The auction will open until March 14. A portion of the proceeds will go to organizations that support women’s reproductive health, such as Planned Parenthood. (Golden Financial report)

The longing place for artists everywhere is always in the aspect of reflecting themselves or the value of their works, so the spirit of Web3 is fascinating. Now that there is a form of NFT, it is possible to maximize the value of the work itself, so large-scale auction houses such as Sotheby’s and Christie’s will enter the NFT space in full swing to transform art/antique auctions into the public eye through today’s digital technology and marketing tools, that is bound to give Lami a place, starting with art and ending with art. (SDChain report)

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