The United Kingdom’s central bank will conduct CBDC and distributed ledger experiments / Open an account and talk about the number — 6

2 min readJul 31, 2024


According to CoinDesk, the United Kingdom central bank said it plans to conduct a series of experiments on distributed ledger technology (DLT) and wholesale central bank digital currency (wCBDC) to keep pace with changes in the payments landscape and assess the opportunities and risks posed by fintech development. Andrew Bailey, the governor of the Bank of United Kingdom, said in his presentation of the discussion paper on Tuesday: “Confidence in money and payments is fundamental to the central bank’s fulfilment of its monetary and financial stability responsibilities. As innovation in this area continues to advance, our role must evolve to support the strength and vitality of the United Kingdom economy. (PANews report)

据CoinDesk报道,英国央行表示,计划对分布式账本技术(DLT)和批发央行数字货币(wCBDC)进行一系列实验,以跟上支付格局的变化,并评估金融科技发展带来的机遇和风险。英国央行行长Andrew Bailey在周二的讨论文件介绍中表示:“对货币和支付的信心是央行履行货币和金融稳定责任的基础。随着该领域的创新不断推进,我们的角色也必须随之演变,以支持英国经济的强劲和活力。”(PANews报导)

Support CBDC, the whole people are ready to pay anytime and anywhere, and when 6G communication is popularized, space payment will also start. Ha, will there be a relationship between the SDChain and 6G communication? AIoT is for the SDChain, the SDChain are for low-orbit satellites, the low-orbit satellites are for 6G communication, and the 6G communication is for the SDChain. (SDChain report)


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